Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What the hell does DSM stand for?

Alright, I am going to start this off with something somewhat benign, but highly annoying. I currently live in Des Moines Iowa. Apparently, named after a monastery that began the settlement and people started calling the area the “City of the Monks”, which eventually became Des Moines, or “of the monks”. That’s all fine, but I want to know where in the long history of this city did somebody decide the initials of the city. The abbreviation for the city is DSM, or, the shorter version, DS. How in the hell did somebody come up with these letters? Why DSM- DeS Moines, right? Why though?? Why use two letters from Des? There is absolutely no doubt that it should be DMS. I am from Tampa Bay, home of the greatest team ever to grace the football field, the Buccaneers. When you look at the scoreboard, it says “TB” for Tampa Bay, right. So why and the hell does Des Moines scoreboards say DS or DSM. It should friggin’ be DM or DMS. Yeah, you might think “Why does this bother you?” Alright two reasons- First, it is so damn stupid to randomly grab letters for initials. My name is Rob Kent, So are my initials RBK? RB? No! Its RK! Second, every time I see the abbreviation, it wastes a split second of my time to think “what the hell does DSM stand for? It can’t be Des Moines… oh, never mind, sure it is, because somebody was a friggin idiot when they were trying to figure out the initials for this great city.” I am seceding from the common thought and I will fail to recognize these letters. I already accepted the fact that the city has to have a French friggin name. However, from now on, Des Moines will be abbreviated DM, and that’s all I will recognize!


Zahra and Rob Kents page said...

This is hilarious! So Funny!

Adam said...

Wow never knew that. It would annoy the hell out of me too.